open class OAuth2CodeGrantBasicAuth : OAuth2CodeGrant
Enhancing the code grant flow by allowing to specify a specific “Basic xx” authorization header.
This class allows you to manually set the “Authorization” header to a given string, as accepted in its basicToken
property. It will
override the superclasses automatic generation of an Authorization header if the client has a clientSecret, so you only need to use
this subclass if you need a different header (this is different to version 1.2.3 and earlier of this framework).
The full token string to be used in the authorization header.
var basicToken: String?
Adds support to override the basic Authorization header value by specifying:
- basic: takes precedence over client_id and client_secret for the token request Authorization header
override public init(settings: OAuth2JSON)
Calls super’s implementation to obtain a token request, then adds the custom “Basic” authorization header.
override open func accessTokenRequest(with code: String, params: OAuth2StringDict? = nil) throws -> OAuth2AuthRequest